How to Beat Procrastination: a 6-Step Guide
Why we love to take time off and how to deal with it You can start like this: my name is Samantha, and I am …
Why we love to take time off and how to deal with it You can start like this: my name is Samantha, and I am …
Relationships, Health & Fitness
Most effective tips for those going through a creative crisis For the umpteenth time, the boss says that your ideas have lost their relevance, and …
“I have been working in companies of various sizes for 20 years, the last 15 years in top positions, mainly in advanced technology businesses. I …
How to know if you are being misled to bring you under control The term “gaslighting” psychologists define manipulations in order to sow doubts in …
Learning to say goodbye and move on WHEN DO YOU NEED TO SEPARE?Sooner or later in the life of every person there comes a moment …
And why you shouldn’t idealize your feelings All contacts, and especially those that happen for the first time, are extremely important for personal development. Once …
Six rules to help nullify fights Conflict itself, even if it has already happened, does not necessarily lead to a breakdown in the relationship. However, …
The role of manner of movement in non-verbal communication No matter how hard you try to maintain a neutral facial expression so that others do …
Sleep – and everything will be super Let’s say everything is fine with you. Love each other, live together, sleep too. There are no complaints …
What will help you to believe in your achievements as much as in the success of others This happens often, if not every single day: …
How can weekend expectations ruin it? Making plans is like reading spoilers or ripping off the wrapping of a gift – once that happens, the …