Foods That Should Not Be Eaten On An Empty Stomach

Adjusting the breakfast menu to make it more useful

Nutritionists believe that you can afford almost anything for breakfast. But this rule works for those who follow the numbers on the scales: the calorie content of the first meal is easily consumed during the day and does not lead to weight gain. For people with sensitive stomachs and for adherents of a healthy lifestyle, there are exceptions – foods that should not be eaten on an empty stomach (this does not mean that they should be discarded altogether). Femme4 talks in more detail about what is best to avoid in the morning.


Oranges and grapefruits irritate an empty esophagus, so a glass of juice or half of a fruit at breakfast is a bad idea. However, it is a great source of vitamin C, which makes a great dessert after lunch or dinner.


A harmless fruit eaten on an empty stomach can negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The high content of magnesium and calcium also disrupts the calcium-magnesium balance and increases the stress on the heart.


The most desirable drink in the morning irritates an empty stomach. It is best to drink coffee after breakfast or at lunchtime. But not everyone is ready to start the morning with a cup of tea and oatmeal – for many, these are too drastic measures. To minimize the harm from morning Americano, you need to slightly reduce the acidity of the drink, for example, add milk, cream, or coconut oil (a vegan option).

Bakery products

Coffee with a croissant is a classic cinematic breakfast, but it’s a huge stress on the stomach. The yeast added to baked goods irritates the stomach lining, which can cause quite long discomfort during the day.


This fruit contains very coarse fiber, which is very irritating to an empty stomach. Like bananas, pears are best eaten an hour or two after the main meal.

Cold carbonated drinks

Cold and carbonated drinks constrict the vessels of the stomach and impair local blood circulation, which, in turn, makes it difficult to digest food. It is best to quench your thirst in the morning with plain water and a slice of lemon juice.

Spicy food

Spicy lovers often add red pepper to their morning omelet. And this gives them discomfort. The pepper itself does not irritate the mucous membrane thanks to the capsaicin protein, which binds to the nerve endings. At the same time, there is no damage, but there is a feeling of irritation, which, you see, is not very pleasant. For this reason, it is best to set the pepper shaker off until lunchtime.