What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Cucumbers?

Is it true that a popular vegetable helps maintain hydration levels to stay young forever? And why is it better not to eat cucumbers at night?

The cucumber is a member of the pumpkin family and a relative of both the pumpkin itself and, for example, melon and vegetable marrow. One gets the feeling that such a popular vegetable culture cannot be a medicine, but cucumbers have been used in traditional Indian medicine since ancient times. However, the paradox is that in ancient times one whole cucumber was considered terribly poisonous, since it was very bitter everywhere. Therefore, they used it in microscopic doses as a medicine.

Despite tremendous agricultural research on cucumber, comparatively little scientific data has been published on the chemical profile and therapeutic potential of this vegetable. In general terms: in addition to the colossal hydration of the body, cucumber has potential antidiabetic and antioxidant activity; and also – a solid cleansing action, removing accumulated foci of old waste and chemical toxins. Its fresh juice is used to nourish the skin, providing a cooling and soothing effect and reducing swelling. What is important during summer activity: cucumber relieves pain from sunburn.

Is it true that cucumbers replace water?

Partly. Those who force themselves to drink water by force can indeed partially replace the necessary daily intake of fluid with cucumber salads. After all, each fruit is 95% water – this helps us not only to maintain the hydration of the body, but also to remove excess fluid, and prevent the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, researchers recommend eating cucumbers in hot weather or immediately after exercise to replenish your strength. Because of the water in cucumbers, there are very few calories (15 kcal per 100 g), fat (0.1 g) and cholesterol. However, such a watery composition greatly “eroded” other useful properties of the vegetable. Cucumbers are far behind their counterparts in salad in terms of vitamins – their concentration here is incredibly low.

Is it true that cucumbers help prevent cancer?

Scientists have isolated several biologically active compounds from cucumber, including cucurbitacin, the most characteristic of this vegetable. This substance helps our body to destroy atypical cells, that is, those that can potentially lead to the formation of a malignant tumor. Protection against cancer is the main benefit of using cucurbitacin. However, this element has one “side” – it can cause bloating in people with indigestion. That is why cucumbers, in principle, are not recommended to be eaten before bed.

Is it true that cucumbers strengthen bones?

Doctor of Medical Sciences, American professor and expert in clinical pharmacology Hayk S. Arakelyan is one of the few who nowadays is engaged in a full study of cucumbers and has published several scientific articles. And he proved – after all, some vitamins were preserved in it. For example, vitamin K, which is associated with healthy bones, which are less prone to fractures. True, it is negligible here too – one cup of cucumber contains 8.5 mcg of vitamin K, while women are recommended to consume 90 mcg per day, and men – 120 mcg.

Is it true that cucumbers protect our hearts?

The American Heart Research Association encourages people to consume more fiber, as it may help prevent cholesterol buildup and, as a result, cardiovascular problems. Cucumbers are an excellent source of fiber, especially in the skin.