What Vitamins All Women Should Take

The secret to good health and eternal youth

Vitamins are necessary for a person to maintain normal functioning. They regulate all the processes occurring in the body, are responsible for the proper functioning of the heart and musculoskeletal system, the youthfulness of the skin, the beauty of the hair and nails. All essential vitamins can be obtained from food, by preparing a balanced diet, or they can be taken in the form of dietary supplements (only after consultation with your doctor). Here’s our guide to five vitamins essential to women’s health and beauty.

Vitamin B6. One of the key properties of the vitamin is that it catalyses the production of the female hormone oestrogen (one of the most important hormones for beauty and youth). Around the age of 30, its natural production in the body slows down noticeably, which causes the skin to lose tone, firmness and natural glow, and the first wrinkles to appear. In addition to its ability to stimulate the natural production of oestrogen, vitamin B6 regulates the body’s “building” function by stimulating cell regeneration and protecting cells from damage.

Vitamin C. Familiar to us all from childhood, ascorbic acid not only helps in strengthening the immune system, but also plays a significant role in maintaining the beauty of skin and hair. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that protects cells from damage by free radicals and slows down the aging process. It also stimulates the production of collagen, the main protein of youth. 

Vitamin E. A fat-soluble vitamin that’s been unfairly overlooked, a natural antioxidant that offers skin benefits including protection against free-radical damage, the ability to fight pigmentation from ultraviolet rays, and a firm, even complexion. Because vitamin E can hold moisture in the upper layers of the skin (not to be confused with fluid retention in the body, which entails swelling), it will be a real lifesaver for those with dry skin.

Vitamin D. The main function of the vitamin (which until recently was thought to be its only function) is to maintain healthy bones and connective tissues. It aids in the absorption of calcium from food and helps active ingredients to penetrate bone tissue, making it stronger. In the late 90’s, when Western medicine became interested in studying mental health issues, it was discovered that adequate levels of vitamin D in the blood provide an effective prevention of depression. Studies have directly linked production of the happiness hormone serotonin to the presence of the vitamin in the body.

Nourishing the skin and fighting wrinkles are certainly important, but cardiovascular health should not be forgotten either. Heart disease is still the number one cause of death, so preventing it is worth thinking about, even if you’re perfectly healthy and young now. Vitamin PP regulates cholesterol levels, prevents vascular plaques, improves blood flow and strengthens the heart muscle.