How To Control Hunger

Simple tips to help you consume fewer calories

Most of us have experienced the problem of overeating in one way or another. Although the reasons are different, it is usually that we cannot overcome the constant feeling of hunger. Experts of the Nutrilite™ brand tell about how to prolong the feeling of satiety without increasing the size of portions.

Why do we feel hungry?

We experience the so-called true hunger when the stomach empties and the concentration of nutrients in the blood decreases. In this case, problems with appetite control usually arise from the fact that there are many foods in the diet that are quickly digested.

Overeating is also often associated with false hunger when we continue to supply food to an already full stomach. If false hunger is not caused by psychological reasons, then the problem is in blood sugar surges. Usually this situation is explained by the fact that we eat a product or dish in which there is too much glucose. In general, after a meal, the sugar level always increases, with one part of it instantly converted into energy, while the other is carried through the cells with the help of insulin and converted into glycogen. But if a sugar bomb falls on the body, an excessive amount of insulin enters the bloodstream, which quickly carries the nutrient through the cells and, left without work, requires more “fuel” from us. 

In order for the feeling of satiety to last as long as possible, it is necessary that the stomach is full and the level of nutrients in the blood remains at an optimal level. Basically, in this we are helped by foods that are slowly digested: for a long time we get sugar and other useful trace elements from them, which are gradually carried through the cells. But there are also some tricks that allow us to regulate the feeling of fullness.

How to form a diet

First, let’s talk about foods that keep you feeling full for a long time. Slow digestion of food occurs due to the presence of fats, proteins, complex carbohydrates and fiber in it. These nutrients take a long time to break down, and fiber is not completely digested at all, but it helps to cleanse the body, working like a sponge.

Legumes are a good – and low-calorie – source of protein and fiber. Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates and fiber, but it is important to remember that cereals have a higher glycemic index than grains, so they are absorbed a little faster, and they contain more calories. At the same time eggs and cottage cheese are rich in proteins and fats.

High fat sources include fish, nuts, and avocados, while healthy carbohydrates include potatoes, buckwheat, bread, and whole grain pasta. In this case, it is better to boil potatoes, and not fry or bake. We get fiber in large quantities from vegetables and fruits, but secondly, there is a lot of sugar, so it is better to stop at citrus fruits and pineapples. It should also be borne in mind that freshly squeezed juice is far from the same as a whole fruit. After pressing, no fiber remains in the products, and only colored sugar gets into our glass.

Bulky foods such as green salad can help reduce the number of calories consumed, but at the same time fill the stomach and thereby overcome the feeling of hunger. Dietary supplements also cope well with this task. For example, Nutrilite ™ Appetite Control Complex includes glucomannan, a natural dietary fiber that collects water in fibers, fills the stomach, but does not provide additional calories.

If you really want to pamper yourself, you can eat a piece of dark chocolate: it increases satiety and reduces the desire to eat sweets. But do not forget that the calories in dark chocolate are only slightly less than in milk, so you shouldn’t get carried away. Popcorn is the most satisfying popular snack because it is high in fiber. In addition, it does not contain many calories, so when there is no opportunity for a healthy snack, it is better to choose popcorn than, for example, chips.

How do sports activities help 

Remember when we talked about glycogen? It begins to be released into the bloodstream after the bulk of the sugar has been broken down, and thus helps us maintain a feeling of fullness for some time. By exercising, we build muscle, which in turn retains glycogen. The greater the volume of the muscles, the more glycogen they will be able to retain. As a result, the duration of our “recharge” from glycogen increases. True, one should not expect an incredible effect: glycogen is nevertheless released from cells quickly enough. But you will be able to prolong the feeling of satiety by about half an hour or an hour. 

Reducing heat treatment

As a result of heat treatment, fiber fibers soften and are digested much faster. The rest of the nutrients and sugars also take on a more readily available form, so energy is more easily released. It is due to this that the glycemic index of cooked vegetables increases. Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to eat foods raw or reduce the degree of cooking.

By the way, soups and smoothies won’t help you feel full. On the contrary, food in liquid form is absorbed much faster.

Drink more water

Sometimes our brains mistake thirst for hunger and send us the wrong message. Therefore, the common advice to drink water when you feel hungry really works. In addition, water helps to briefly deceive the body when we are experiencing true hunger. It fills the stomach, and the brain perceives this fullness as an indicator of satiety.

Adding fats to carbohydrates

Fats, in particular omega-3 and omega-6, have the ability to bind carbohydrates, both simple and complex. As a result, nutrients are processed longer and energy is released more slowly. Therefore, nuts, butter, or a slice of avocado are great additions to oatmeal for breakfast