How to Force Yourself to Drink More Water?

In hot weather, the well-known rule of “eight glasses” becomes vital for the skin and the body as a whole to drink more water.

In ordinary life, when the temperature outside the window does not exceed twenty degrees, one can argue with the well-known rule of “eight glasses of water a day”: the final volume is influenced by both the lifestyle and the climate. But when the thermometer outside the window rapidly exceeds this mark, the amount of sunlight heats up interest in hydration.

But even in the heat, we are used to constantly replacing the water with alternative drinks: from kombucha to matcha (this is at best, because usually we are talking about tea / coffee). Isn’t it time to give our body the amount of pure H2O it deserves? These easy and boring life hacks will help you turn from a “queen of the desert” into a sensible “water bread”.

Track your water consumption on your phone

You don’t need to have psychic abilities to say right off the bat that you are “glued” to the phone 24/7. So why not use it more beneficially and help yourself control your water intake? For example, download one of a dozen Waterlogged apps that logs every milliliter of fluid and, in a playful way, challenges you to hydrate your body. Plus, these apps usually contain charts that update in real time to show you how close you are to reaching your goal.

Another surefire way to drink more water using your phone is to set an alarm every two hours. Do not forget to choose your favorite music for the call or put the mantra in the name of the reminder: “Drink, drink and drink again.”

Buy a nice water bottle

Sometimes all we really need is a little visual motivation. A stylish water bottle (like a thermos, only unheated) that looks spectacular on your desktop will want to refill throughout the day. Maybe this is your key to meeting the recommended H2O dose?

Challenge yourself with a 45 day challenge

Scientists have proven that any habit is developed after 45 days. For the “time of getting used to” arrange a real challenge for yourself (by the way, you can also connect your friends / colleagues to it). Let your thirst for competition spur you to develop a healthy habit. In order not to “break loose”, it is enough to “personify” the water bottle. For example, put serifs on it with the exact time or prescribe small wishes that will come true only if you drink the established rate per day. Another option is to promise yourself a pleasant reward after the expiration date: expensive shoes or a dress with a floral print.