All About Fasting: How 16-Hour Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight in Record Time

Finally, there is a way to eat whatever you want and lose weight – intermittent fasting. The effectiveness of this method of getting rid of excess weight has already been confirmed by numerous nutritionists. In recent years, such a diet is gaining immense popularity among those who want to lose extra pounds without unnecessary trouble. For a long time, experts have promoted regular meals, claiming that five meals a day boost metabolism and help you lose weight faster. As a result, modern women are afraid to skip breakfast and force themselves to snack even when they are not hungry. But does our body really need such a regime? Relatively recently, Western experts have come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with skipping your first meal and going on a “hunger strike” until lunch or even dinner. Even if this contradicts all the principles of proper nutrition that we knew before, intermittent fasting really helps to lose weight and heal the body. 4Femme learned more about Intermittent fasting practice.

What is the point

Intermittent fasting is a weight loss diet that involves periodically avoiding food. The most popular method is the 16/8 system – completely skipping food for 16 hours and 8 hours when you can eat. Eating this way causes the body to burn fat stores. The main advantage of fasting is that you do not need to give up food at all, it will be enough to skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. Emotionally, this is much easier than absolute starvation or, for example, fasting days on juices. In addition, there are no restrictions on products, which means that you can afford small weaknesses: desserts, fried foods, bread, pastries.

The principle of interval fasting

A 16-hour refusal to eat optimizes insulin secretion, and this makes the body less sensitive to carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, and reduces hunger. Your body in moments of starvation begins to burn fat reserves without being distracted by food processing. Moreover, an empty stomach can “rest”, it boosts immunity and improves hormones. Some nutritionists are confident that this principle of nutrition reduces inflammatory processes in the body, regulates blood sugar levels, and improves mental function. With a combination of interval fasting and strength training, you can gain muscle mass by burning fat, the body will become more prominent and toned. But without proper preparation, it will be difficult to play sports on an empty stomach.

When you can eat

To begin with, it is worth determining for yourself when it is easier for you to fast – in the morning or in the evening. If you can easily do without breakfast, now you can sleep through your morning oatmeal with a clear conscience. For example, suppose you had dinner at 8 pm, which means that already at 12 am the next day you can have a hearty lunch or, if you are still not hungry, have a latte with a croissant (and continue to lose weight!). Considering sleep, you will go without food for 16 hours. At 8 pm, you can indulge in a hearty dinner, pasta or meat with a side dish.

For those who cannot start the day without breakfast, evening runs to the refrigerator are prohibited. In the morning, you cannot deny yourself anything. But if you eat breakfast at 8 am, then after 4 pm you will have to give up the temptations. But look at it from the other side: you are not limited in anything until this time.

Who is not suitable for interval fasting

Fasting, like any diet, has contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before experimenting with your body. Intermittent fasting is contraindicated for those who have gastritis, problems with the gallbladder, adrenal glands, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.