Food & Drink, Health & Fitness
3 Detox Water Recipes to Detox Your Body and Lose a Few Pounds
Many people know that plain water with cucumber is a great helper in the fight against swelling and removing excess fluid from the body. We …
Food & Drink, Health & Fitness
Many people know that plain water with cucumber is a great helper in the fight against swelling and removing excess fluid from the body. We …
The Truth About Dairy Benefits From childhood, we remember that milk is healthy. And some of us even found the times when a glass of …
For those who in any critical situation runs to the refrigerator If you are one of those who, while preparing for exams or with problems …
Is your glass half empty or half full? How you answer this eternal question can reflect your outlook on life, how you feel about yourself, …
Psychologists say that handwritten notes help calm the nerves. So, if you don’t know what to write exactly, here’s some advice from a professional writer. …
Getting ready for the spring season At the end of winter, many of us have a conditional battery that is almost empty. To regain strength …
Together with an expert, we figure out how to take control of hunger and stop eating stress and other emotions. According to the MSD health …
Food & Drink, Health & Fitness
A simple recipe from the chef of the naturopathy and yoga center in India In India, banana tea has been considered for centuries not so …
The right approach to keeping a personal diary will help you cope with stress and put your thoughts in order. We often make promises to …
High pressure against the background of strong excitement from the current news can lead to disastrous health consequences. What to do in this situation – …
Take it off immediately The postulate that “beauty requires sacrifice” is long overdue to be recognized as harmful. In pursuit of trends, we often forget …