How to Get Rid of “Love Handles”: Exercises for 5 Minutes

The trainer showed a proven complex, the daily implementation of which will help to cope with the hated problem.

The female figure is distinguished by special grace, roundness of forms and softness of lines. This is due to the fact that the percentage of fat in girls is much higher than that of men. This is inherent in nature, as well as the fact that reserve fat tends to accumulate in the thighs and buttocks. That is why many girls are familiar with the problem of the so-called “ears” on the hips.

In order to get rid of excessive bulges in the breeches zone, first of all, you need to pay attention to your nutrition. Get rid of sweet, starchy and fatty foods. Having dropped a couple of extra pounds, you will immediately see how the shape of the hips visually changes.

Three or four full workouts will help speed up this process, but in order to tone the desired muscles, do the following exercises daily.

From lunge to plank

1. Starting position – standing on one leg, keep the other leg in balance. Maintain a strong belly and a stretch behind the crown.

2. Take a square back lunge so that your feet are in line. It is better to bring your hands forward for balance. Make sure that the knee in front of the standing leg remains in the projection of the supporting foot.

3. From the lunge position, move to the side plank position. The standing leg in front remains motionless, the supporting palm is clearly under the shoulder line. Bring your shoulder blades to the center of your back, and place your free leg on the edge of the foot.

4. Then return to the starting position in the same sequence. Repeat 10-12 times and change sides.

Lateral lunge

1. Starting position – wide stance of the legs, feet parallel to each other, stretching behind the crown.

2. Shift your weight to one leg with a lateral lunge. Simultaneously with this movement, perform a small turn of the chest, reaching with the opposite hand to the supporting foot. Important: the supporting knee remains in the projection of the foot, and the chest is directed upward.

3. Transfer your entire body weight to the supporting leg, and lift the other leg off the floor. At the same time, stretch your opposite hand to your free leg. It is important to keep your back straight and stay in a semi-squat position.

4. Then sequentially return to the starting position and repeat everything on the other side. Do 10-12 reps for each leg.

Forward lunge

1. Starting position – standing on one leg, keep the other leg in balance. Maintain a strong belly and a stretch behind the crown.

2. With your free leg, step forward and spread your arms to the sides parallel to the floor. Keep your torso upright, keeping traction behind the crown. Bring your shoulder blades to the center of your back and make sure that the angle at the knees is 90 degrees.

3. With the opposite hand, pull forward diagonally, and push the pelvis in the opposite direction. Imagine that you want to take something off the floor. It is important to keep your back straight and balance.

4. Sequentially return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 12-16 times, and then change sides.

Plank with step

1. Starting position – plank. Straight arms, straight legs. Feet are the width of the pelvic bones, palms clearly under the shoulders. The buttocks and abdomen are toned, the shoulder blades are brought to the center of the back.

2. Lift one leg off the floor a couple of centimeters. Keep the body stationary.

3. Step over your supporting leg and try to touch the floor. Then return your leg to the previous position (do not lower it to the floor). And follow the step again. In this exercise, it is very important to stabilize the core as much as possible; for this, keep the buttocks and abdomen in constant tension.

4. 10-12 steps on one leg, a little rest – and repeat everything on the other side.

Side Plank Hip Raise

1. Starting position – side bar. Support on the forearm, elbow under the supporting shoulder. The muscles of the back, buttocks and abdomen are in good shape. Legs together – foot on foot.

2. Bend your upper leg at the knee and bring your hip forward.

3. Then straighten and lift it up from the reference 45 degrees. Point your foot towards you. It is important to keep the chassis as stable as possible.

4. Repeat 8-10 times and immediately change sides.