Banana Tea To Help You Calm Down And Recover

A simple recipe from the chef of the naturopathy and yoga center in India

In India, banana tea has been considered for centuries not so delicious as a healing drink. And in the center of naturopathy and yoga it is an integral part of the detox program, compiled here according to the principles of a balanced diet. Due to its numerous beneficial properties and a whole storehouse of vitamins, banana tea is most often prescribed for people suffering from insomnia, as well as to relieve psycho-emotional and nervous tension.


Banana – 1 pc.

Water – 0.5 l

Spices to taste

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the banana thoroughly and pour over with boiling water.
  • Cut it into several pieces without removing the peel. Dip the resulting banana pieces into boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes. At the end, add cinnamon or honey to taste.
  • Strain the finished drink and cool to the desired temperature.