The elegant, well-groomed and charismatic actress Sophie Marceau recently celebrated her 55th birthday. But looking at the photos of the Frenchwoman, it’s hard to believe! And, of course, one immediately wants to know what the secret is.
Luckily, the actress isn’t hiding anything and willingly shares her tips as well as her views on the simplest of things. Here are 6 of Sophie Marceau’s beauty secrets.
Groomed skin and the right accents instead of tons of makeup
“I don’t like makeup. It is a necessity in my work, but in real life, I use foundation only to camouflage the imperfections,” Sophie confessed once.
The actress prefers to look well-groomed without a ton of makeup on her face, which makes her look lighter. At most – a light tone, emphasis on the eyes or lip gloss. And even then, if there is a special occasion. A movie premiere or an evening out.
A successful hairstyle makes you look younger.
Sophie’s hairstyle is practically her calling card. The plucked fringes that fall slightly in front of her eyes and the powerful cascade masks age-related issues and an achingly feminine, airy look.
A true French casualness that is admired by many ladies. And it’s definitely worth taking note of!
Healthy sleep and sun protection
Healthy sleep should not be underestimated, as it affects the condition and appearance of your skin, improves its elasticity and firmness. And Sophie clearly knows this!
“The secret to good skin is simple: sleep more, less sun exposure,” says the Frenchwoman.
And that means that in addition to sleep, it’s important to remember to protect yourself from UV rays. In other words, avoid the harmful sun and use products with SPF protection.
Olive oil instead of creams
Sophie’s smooth, lithe skin is as eye-catching as her gorgeous smile. And, surprisingly, the secret isn’t endless rejuvenation treatments, but a tip from Marceau’s stylist mother.
“My stylist, at my request, asked my own mother about how she managed to maintain her beautiful skin at 80 years old. Here’s what she replied: ‘Wash with soap and water and apply olive oil all over your face. I tried it – and no beautician will ever convince me to give up this technique again. Oil works wonders,” confides Sophie.
Working out and exercising
Sophie’s slim, graceful and toned figure is a true role model. And the actress does not hide the fact that she is not lazy and continues to devote time to sports. However, without fanaticism, and for fun or when the reflection in the mirror ceases to please.
“I try to work on myself if I have to, but I’m not obsessed with sports,” says Sophie.
And notes that she “needs to exercise to feel good and stretch to stay flexible.”
Don’t go on a diet but don’t overeat either
Sophie admits her diet has been heavily influenced by having a baby.
“I often cook for my son and I am very careful about what he eats. It has also made me more mindful of what I eat. I actually eat everything, but not too much. Not junk food, but I do like wine and chocolate. I take multivitamins and drink a lot of water,” she says.
Marceau also noted that she is not one of the “gluttonous people” and that food for her is “fuel, which should be quality first and then taste good”. Her attitude towards food is a godsend for those who want to lose a few pounds but do not intend to be on a stringent diet.
A sincere smile is one of Sophie’s beauty secrets, along with successful hairstyling, skincare and working out. It’s a win-win accessory for every woman. As the actress herself repeatedly said.
“Beauty is in a smile, and in feeling good”.