Why Is Losing Weight So Much More Difficult Today Than 30 Years Ago?

Incredible but true: we are losing weight more slowly and weigh more than our peers in the 1980s. And there are three objective reasons for this.

Studies published in the American medical journal Obesity and Clinical Practice give disappointing statistics – today on earth 10% more people are obese than in the mid-1980s. At the same time, even for those who monitor their weight, it is much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds than, in due time, to their parents. Another thing is surprising: according to experts, the amount of basic micronutrients in the diet of both is quite comparable, as well as the level of physical activity. What is the mystery?

“If you look at the nutrition and calorie intake of a 25-year-old in 2006 and 1988, it turns out that they are very similar – the same amount of protein, fat and other elements. But at the same time, it is 2.3 times more difficult for a modern person to lose weight, and the risk of exceeding the acceptable norms and getting obesity is several percent higher, “concludes Jennifer Cook, professor of kinesiology and medical sciences at the University of York in Toronto, who leads the study. The solution to this phenomenon lies in three important hypotheses.

The first is the changes in the chemical composition of many modern products that have occurred in the past few decades. These are new pesticides and special substances in food packaging – all of them have a direct effect on our hormonal processes and, as a result, on weight.

Scientists also voice the second version – over 30 years, the number of people who take antidepressants, which are also able to change the hormonal background, have significantly increased.

Finally, Cook, and other authors, suggest that the microflora of modern inhabitants of megacities could somehow change during this period. It is well known that certain types of bacteria in the gut make a person prone to weight gain. For example, we eat more meat today than we did decades ago. It is no secret that many animal products have been obtained using hormones and antibiotics. Under their influence, over time, the more vulnerable bacteria in our body have changed.

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