Lose weight with gum? Easy!
Eat to lose weight? Yes, this is not a joke! Nutritionists say: to get rid of kilograms, you need to forget about fasting. Excess weight will go away if you fundamentally change your diet – include healthier foods that help burn fat, improve metabolism, and satiate faster.

If you want to lose weight, fall in love with spicy Mexican and Asian cuisine. Hot pepper contains a special substance capsaicin: it does not dissolve in water and easily reaches the fat layer, splitting it. A recent study by American and Chinese scientists suggests that a diet high in chili peppers can help you lose weight, reduce appetite and help fight inflammation in the human body. And British scientists have come to the conclusion that the peppercorn diet helps burn more calories. It doesn’t really matter in what form you add pepper to your food: whether you eat it fresh, in sauces, or season the dish with dried spices. The main thing is to do it regularly – at least several times a week.
Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is obtained by separating almost all whey from classic yoghurt. The result is a thick product with a dense silky texture, in which a spoon can easily “stand”. Together with the liquid, most of the milk sugar – lactose, which often causes intolerance in the adult body, goes away. But protein, calcium and vitamin D remain in it. 100 grams of this product contains about 10 g of protein and 100-150 mg of calcium. which not only strengthens bones, but can also accelerate weight loss by 50-70%. According to scientists from the University of Tennessee in the United States, people who eat three servings (about 300 grams) of Greek yogurt daily lose almost twice as much fat as those who avoid dairy products in their diet, provided that the calorie content of the diets is the same.
Green tea

Green tea is high in catechins – organic substances from the group of flavonoids that “force” the body to expend more energy and also reduce appetite. Catechins help break down fat, especially from stores located on the belly. Studies by American and Japanese scientists show that regular consumption of green tea leads to a decrease in the percentage of body fat, reduces the content of “bad” cholesterol (in the composition of low density lipoproteins). The habit of drinking this drink reduces the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease.

Egg white is the most easily digestible protein of all existing, and the yolk contains a lot of vitamin A and trace elements that are actively involved in the breakdown of fats. American scientists conducted an experiment: they served one group of overweight people for breakfast an omelet with vegetables, and another – a bagel, while the calorie content of the dishes was the same. Otherwise, their diet did not differ. After 8 weeks, the performance of the two groups was compared. It turned out that the participants in the first group lost 65% more weight than the second, their average waist was reduced by 34% more, and the percentage of body fat was reduced by 16%. Nutritionists, however, remind you that you should not eat more than two or three eggs a day, but it is best to cook them in a pair with a lot of vegetables.

Hercules was respected in kindergartens and school canteens for a reason: oatmeal is rich in fiber, which plays a critical role in appetite control and helps maintain gut health. According to WHO recommendations, the average fiber intake per day is 25-30 grams. There are about seven to ten grams of oatmeal in a plate. Oats contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and many more beneficial trace elements that are responsible for bone health and muscle tissue development. In addition, the introduction of cereals high in fiber in the diet helps to form and absorb healthy habits for a long time. In one experiment in the United States, subjects continued to avoid fast food for six months after their food intake was no longer controlled. To get the most out of it, forget about instant cereals and instant cereals. Oatmeal for losing weight is cooked from cereals for 20-30 minutes, in water and without added sugar. The “basic” porridge can be varied with additives: fresh or stewed vegetables, cottage cheese, apples, berries and nuts.
Chewing gum

Many of us have too busy schedules to devote time and attention to eating. Meanwhile, our stomach is evolutionarily not adapted to this: receptors in its upper part send signals to the brain about saturation only 15-20 minutes after the start of a meal. Many people eat too fast, chew poorly, and eat one and a half to two times more than they need. A good way to avoid overeating is to reduce your portion size and make it a habit to end your meal with sugar-free gum. According to research by scientists from the UK, this technique will help reduce appetite and numb hunger. Plus, the gum will help protect your teeth from decay between meals. A healthy smile is a nice bonus to a slimmer waist, isn’t it?