If you still can’t make up your mind and get a big, beautiful tattoo, then we want to give some indisputable facts in favour of a mini tattoo. First, it’s beautiful …

Conventionally, all people can be divided into two categories: those who wanted and immediately get a tattoo, and those who have doubts, think for a long time, try on a drawing, consult with loved ones. For the latter, I specially made a collection of transferable tattoos that last for a week. With their help, you can understand what it is like to wear a drawing on yourself. In 90% of cases, after a transfer tattoo, people come for a real one, and some decide on it instantly. The most important thing is to find a qualified tattoo artist in order to end up with a really beautiful tattoo. But if you still can’t make up your mind, I advise you to start with a mini-tattoo, especially since this choice has its advantages.
1. Can be tattooed anywhere
Small tattoos can be done on any part of the body – on the finger, wrist, ankle, behind the ear, on the chest or stomach and even on the face. And everywhere they will look beautiful and stylish. The process itself does not take much time – in just half an hour you will become the owner of the tattoo.
2. You can always hide it
The only exceptions are tattoos on the face or neck. Although a high collar of a sweater or turtleneck will help hide a tattoo – and no one will know that you have one.
Small tattoos float up over time and become fuzzy, so don’t make the drawing too small. With the wrong size, after a few years, it can turn into a stain. To prevent this from happening, find a professional who will tell you how best to do to avoid disappointment in the future.
3. Easy to care for
It is not difficult to take care of a small tattoo, especially since it requires attention only a couple of days after application. For example, in my work I use a special healing film, which I stick on the tattoo immediately after it is ready. With it, you can take a shower and not worry that the drawing will float or something will go wrong. After a few days, the film must be removed. By this time, the place with the tattoo will already heal. No problems and worries!
4. Symbols and inscriptions look cool
Pictures look more advantageous in large format. Sometimes the size affects the perception of the picture as a whole. For example, do not stuff a small snake, as it will resemble a worm. The same applies to the dragon, which can turn into a lizard. But symbols or inscriptions in small size, on the contrary, will look cool.
5. Black and white tattoos always look fashionable
The color in small tattoos can be lost, so I recommend not to be smart and tattoo the black and white mini-tattoo. Here the rule is: the simpler, the better! “