Write For Us

Are you interested in the creative world of online writing? Are you feeling the itch to create posts and share your opinions on topics for a wide audience to see? Do you have a trove of stories, experiences, and tips that you want to share with people? Do you consider yourself an expert in all things womanly? Here is your chance to find an audience for your thoughts and opinions.

Become a guest blogger for Femme4 and see what you can accomplish!

Find Your Audience

Yes, that is correct. Femme4 is now accepting guest posts from writers all over the world! If you think you have what it takes to become a guest blogger at our site, send us an email with samples of your previous work. Topics can include (but not limited to) women’s lifestyle, fitness, travel, sports, home living, and many more. Our audiences are always eager to read about experiences, tips, and stories about a variety of female topics. Sharing your thoughts on our website could be your ticket to hundreds of thousands of readers viewing your work.

Submit a guest post and see if your work qualifies! Contribute to our site with personal stories, life experiences, reviews, and articles about the world of women’s living. We can provide you with a platform to share your ideas with thousands of readers on a daily basis. All you have to do is write – submit your own guest post to tell the world what you have to say.

Write what is on your Mind

Life has no definitive instruction manual. Everything from work, to love, to simple living – all boils down to seeking knowledge from those who experienced them. For many people, this ‘experience’ may be impossible to perceive from the outside looking in. It takes another person who has been through similar issues to bridge the gap between. We all have a story to tell. People from all walks of life have experiences that they can share with other people.

Topics such as dating tips, relationship advice, and even sex topics may seem hard to bring up when talking with others. Problems around the household may not often come up during chats at the bar. Even simple things such as trying to decide what to purchase can be a hassle. For these sort of issues, men & women of all ages go online for guidance. Here in the online world, you can easily type any topic on the search bar and find people on the other side who can provide you with words of wisdom.

That someone could be you.

Write for us and have viewers all over the world! Are you interested in becoming a guest writer? Check out our contributor guidelines below to see if your work is up to the challenge. Femme4 provide guest post opportunities on a regular basis, and your post could be the next viral hit. Submit your guest post today and find your audience!

Guest Posting Guidelines

We accept guest posts, sponsored posts & editorial articles, which are an excellent way to tell our readers about your product or service in depth. For example, many of our clients promote Fashion products, beauty treatments, home hacks, kickstarter launches, websites and local services. Just use the form below to send us a brief description of what you’re looking for, and we’ll get back to you promptly with more information.

Any columns approved to be posted on this site must be unique.

Posts must be 100 percent original and unique – duplication doesnt help you and actually hurts our website’s SEO. This is bad for both you and us – so this means:

  • No plagiarism! We’re using CopyScape. If you are caught passing off the work of someone else as your own, you will receive a warning. Do it again, you’re blacklisted and you’re out. Duplicate content will be deleted.
  • No self-plagiarism: No republishing articles or parts of articles you already published elsewhere. You can not “borrow” phrases or paragraphs from your own previously published content or from company blog posts (or other written materials).
  • Quotes: If you use the words or thoughts from someone else, it must be correctly credited.

Always try to go beyond the basics/obvious.

Any images should be original, or if sourced from a stock library, please provide details of the license you purchased for the image – occasionally we are approached by stock image license holders threatening us to pay for the rights to publish the images that were included in guest articles, so we need to be able to prove the rights to the images you publish, or we may be forced to remove your article and its image under DMCA rules.

The most successful articles tend to be:

  • Lists (e.g., examples, tips, tools, tactics)
  • Reviews
  • How-to articles/guides
  • Explainer posts (e.g., what is… / why x matters)
  • Expert roundups
  • Opinion posts/commentary/think-pieces

Try to provide actionable tips and practical advice.

Share your own experiences. Don’t rely heavily on quoting influencers, experts, or authorities from other sites.

Be the expert!
